Hailed as the fifth mode of transportation the Hyperloop concept initially proposed and popularized by entrepreneur and engineer Elon Musk has been gaining traction recently. While The Boring Company – a subsidiary of Musk’s SpaceX- has been building the infrastructure for this kind of transportation other companies like Vrigin Hyperloop One and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) have also been doing tremendous innovative and pragmatic work on this concept. Both have shown appreciable results on the test track and have signed agreements to develop a track under a public-private partnership with different states of India recently (Virgin Hyperloop One with Karnataka and Maharashtra and HTT with Andhra Pradesh). Basically in a Hyperloop a capsule containing passengers and other cargo (depending on the size) will be traveling through a steel tube on a sled with linear accelerators or motors, air casters, or using maglev (magnetic levitation) technology. Now, this technology-intensive endeavor definitely comes with several embedded sensors, actuators, and stators for functioning and transferring critical information about the condition and stability of the tube and the capsule, it also requires a good amount of energy for its functioning as a modern age transportation system. Here in this report we suggest and discuss two such new devices implementing which can lend a helping hand in the maintenance of a Hyperloop transportation system along with possible de-escalation of cost.

As of now, the main idea is to put solar arrays on top of the tube which will provide power to the system and battery packs can store this energy for later use during the night and cloudy weather. Also, energy can be stored as compressed air to run the electric fans in reverse to generate energy. This while definitely efficient need not be the only option for generating something as essential as power. Below mentioned are two kinds of wind turbines that are safe, compact, affordable, and efficient to do the same job at least in the supporting role if not main.


Fig. A concept design of how these wind turbines can be placed inside the steel tube

for utilizing the compressed outlet air. The actual implementation may

vastly differ from the proposed idea here.

Enlil turbine is our first one in this suggestion which is a vertical axis turbine, transforming the wind created by the passing vehicles (and regular wind) on the highways into renewable energy. Wind pressure generated by the fast-moving trucks and buses rotates its vertical long blades utilizing the wind energy to the maximum. It takes up lesser space and can be easily assembled and disassembled. Various designs of the connected generator to the turbine are being worked on to maximize its power generation capability.

Powerpod by Halcium is the second and latest in this suggestion that can be considered for strategic placement in the tubes for power generation. Currently claimed to be the safest and most powerful turbine in the world, the safety features are mostly due to enclosed turbine structure and concerns children and pets in outside environments. Hence, in the case of the tube, it will just be an added advantage. Also, the company claims it is cheaper than solar panels and efficient at places with low or no sunlight. The turbines create more power than a regular, mounted turbine with their advanced blade system which increases the entering winds speed by 40 percent. With a size of 19x16 inches, Powerpod can also be easily placed at reasonable locations inside or at the top of the tube for necessary power generation.

Both these turbines other than the obvious location at the top of the tubes can be placed at the outlet of the stored compressed air mentioned before driving the turbine blades instead of the electric fans in reverse, or hypothetically, below the tracks with the air caster skis for the turbines to receive and rotate due to the air release from the compressor.

These suggestions are currently proposed theories and are yet to be tested in a prototype. Along the way, they might entirely be used in a different way but there is no denying their considerable usability and worthiness of being tried out in one of those Hyperloop pod competitions and igniting new design ideas.


[1] "Hyperloop alpha" (PDF). SpaceX. August 12, 2013 http://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/hyperloop_alpha-20130812.pdf